If Taken Every Day, PrEP Can Help Keep You Free From HIV.
What is PrEP?
PrEP, or Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis, is a therapy that can reduce the risk of acquiring HIV.
How does PrEP work?
PrEP medicines, when taken as prescribed, are over 99% effective at stopping the HIV Virus from establishing itself and reproducing inside your body.
Am I a good candidate for PrEP?
Ask about PrEP for HIV prevention if:
You are sexually active and your partner is living with HIV
You and your partner who is living with HIV wish to conceive
You have multiple sex partners
You do not know the HIV status of your sex partner(s)
You use intravenous (IV) drugs
You engage in sex that involves exchange of commodities (housing, drugs, money, etc.)
You infrequently use condoms
If you have anxiety about contracting HIV

Clients Provided with PrEP in 2021
Schedule a PrEP Appointment
For more information about PrEP & PEP contact a PrEP Navigator at 423.226.1115 or mforte@cempa.org.
The PrEP Process: What to Expect
1. Initial Evaluation & Interview: You should come to your visit prepared to discuss your last HIV test as well as any risk factors you may have. You will also have a blood draw to assess your kidney function and liver for Hepatitis B, HIV status, and screen for other sexually transmitted infections (STIs). We will also collect a urine pregnancy test, if applicable. All testing is done in our office, and results are available in two to three business days.
2. Medication Initiation: If your test results show that you are a good candidate for PrEP, your provider will write you a prescription for PrEP. It is essential that you remember to take your medication every day.
3. Follow-Up: You will need to schedule an in-person or Telehealth visit with your provider every three months for follow-up testing and prescription renewal.
Learn more about HIV, HCV & STI Testing Services
Is PrEP safe? What are the side effects?
PrEP is safe and the medication used for PrEP has been used to treat people with HIV since 2002.
PrEP may cause mild side effects, including an upset stomach or headache, especially at the beginning of treatment. Kidney function is checked twice a year. Your provider can help if side effects bother you.
What does PrEP cost?
Most insurance programs, including Medicaid, cover PrEP. There is assistance available to help you pay co-pays and deductibles at the pharmacy. If you do not have health insurance, let us help you explore your options.