What a Journey! A Volunteer Looks Back at 2 Decades of Making Strides
On Saturday, March 27, Cempa Community Care and The Chattanooga CARES Foundation hosted the 26th annual Strides of March Virtual AIDS walk. This event was established in 1996 as a way to draw awareness to HIV and AIDS and to raise money for the cause.
Today, it continues as a way to remember and honor those who have lost their lives and to celebrate innovations in the fight against HIV.
Twenty-six years is certainly something to celebrate. But along with celebrating the event, we’d also like to honor the efforts of one volunteer who’s been making strides for the cause since nearly the beginning: Lyn Harris.
Harris, a Cempa board member, has been participating in Strides of March since the early 2000s. Through her dedication, this year she crossed a milestone by reaching, and exceeding, the $100,000 mark.

In It to Make a Difference
Harris first began participating in Strides of March as part of the team from Chuck’s/Southern Country Chattanooga.
“Chuck hosted charity auctions at his establishment on West Main Street twice a year and the proceeds raised went to Chattanooga CARES,” Harris says. “The very first year I participated, I raised $400 from asking friends and family for a donation.”
While there are many different opportunities to participate in walks and other events for various causes, she was drawn to the Strides of March event.
“I feel like I can really make a difference since Cempa is a local agency,” Harris says. “Since the early 1990s, I’ve known friends who died from AIDS. Raising money for this cause is close to my heart.”
And she’s put her whole heart into the cause! For this year’s virtual event, Harris was able to raise $9,195, pushing her total over the 100k threshold.
Her efforts don’t go unnoticed by those around her, according to Mitzi Ward, Development & Events Coordinator at Cempa.
“Lyn is extremely passionate,” Ward says. “She, like so many of us, lost loved ones to HIV. We don’t want to ever go through something like that again — we don’t want anyone to ever go through something like that again. Therefore, we fight, and we support events like Strides of March. Without that passion and the support of an amazing community, Strides of March would not be the success it is.”
Even with the $100,000 fundraising mark now in the rearview mirror, Ward doesn’t expect Harris to slow down her efforts anytime soon.
“Her passion, determination, and commitment to our mission set her apart,” Ward says. “It also helps that she’s quite competitive! If she sets a goal — watch out!”

Hitting New Heights With This Year’s Event
There’s only one thing certain about the last year: It really mixed things up! Events like Strides of March were forced to move from in-person to virtual to protect participants during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
But going virtual didn’t put a damper on the event’s goals; the 2021 event was a rousing success.
“There’s one thing I can always count on, and that’s our donors in the community — I’ve learned to NEVER underestimate them,” Ward says. “So many have been with us for years, and others are just learning about us. But when we need them, they’re there! Our goal was $60,000 this year, and we exceeded that by over $10,000!”
Stay tuned for details about the 2022 Strides of March, where we hope we’ll be able to get together in person and reach even greater heights!