Dr. Shewanee Howard-Baptiste

Dr. Shewanee Howard-Baptiste is an Associate Professor and Interim Program Director for the Master in Public Health at The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga in the Department of Health and Human Performance. She teaches courses related to Community and Environmental Health, Diversity and Inclusion in the Community, and Program Evaluation at the undergraduate and graduate level. She holds the inaugural position as Intern in the Office of the Provost at UTC, the first of its kind for the 2016-2017 school year. In this role she coordinated, developed and served an integral role in implementing a Master’s in Public Health at her current institution. She also served as the Physical and Activity Health Coordinator for three years for a national grant in the School of Nursing, which addressed multiple chronic conditions across the lifespan. At the center of teaching, service and research is the ability to collaborate and pursue positive change in the communities we serve, work and play. She has also taught and studied abroad in Denmark, Switzerland, France, the Dominican Republic, and Haiti. Almost every summer she travels to Haiti to teach and develop a health and physical education curriculum and works with current teachers to create ways to make students healthier at home and at school. Dr. Howard-Baptiste has been teaching at the secondary and collegiate level for almost twenty years. Her research interests center on the experiences of developing ways for communities to live healthier by developing innovative, collaborative, and interprofessional initiatives that bring college campuses and communities together. She considers it an honor and a privilege to work with students in any capacity.