Assess Your Possible Exposure to HIV
Sharing an injection needle, or an occupational Needle Stick
Anal Sex without condom. (Receptive “bottom”)
Anal Sex with condom that breaks. (Receptive “bottom”)
Anal Sex with ejaculation occurring inside the body. (Receptive “bottom”)
Uncircumcised Male, no condom, “topping” or being the Anal Insertive Partner.
Recent or Current acute Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI). STI’s can cause microtears on the skin that can allow the passage of HIV into the blood stream.
Sex with a partner who is living with HIV and is not on any HIV Antiretroviral treatment.
Blood on an open wound.
Vaginal Sex without condom.
Vaginal Sex with condom that breaks.
Circumcised Male – Anal or Vaginal insertive Sex without condom.
Uncircumcised Male – Vaginal insertive Sex without condom.
Anal Sex with ejaculation occurring outside the body. (Receptive “bottom”)
Sex with a partner whose HIV Status is Unknown.
Sexual assault or Rape.
Oral Sex – Mouth to vagina or penis.
Any kind of sex with a partner who is living with HIV and is on HIV Antiretroviral treatment and is HIV Undetectable.
Sex with a partner who is on PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis).

* This guide provides HIV transmission odds via risk assessment only.
Learn More About HIV Prevention Options
PEP (Post Exposure Prophylaxis) is available to PREVENT HIV Transmission within a 72 Hour MAXIMUM window from the time of exposure.
PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) is a therapy that can reduce the risk of acquiring HIV. PrEP medicines, when taken as prescribed, are over 99% effective.
Cempa Community Care provides FREE & Confidential Rapid HIV tests. HIV antibody testing requires a finger prick, and your results are ready in 20mins.