Highlighting Our LGBTQ+ staff and allies on National Coming Out Day
October 11 is National Coming Out Day and in celebration, we asked #TeamCempa why coming out and being an ally to the LGBTQ+ community is important to them!
Scroll to see their responses and learn more about why our staff is dedicated to providing a safe and accepting environment for all people in need of quality healthcare.

Being an ally is important to me because I believe everyone should have the right to be comfortable in their own skin and embrace who they are. I want our LGBTQ+ clients to know that this is a safe place where everyone is welcome. Our main focus is your health and safety.
~ Amanda Paul, Prevention Specialist

Even in 2021, we must recognize that coming out isn’t easy for everyone. We must demonstrate compassion and understanding so that people will know we are there for them when the time is right.
~ Mario Forte, PrEP Navigator

Today is important to me because it’s a day to let others, who feel stigmatized with their identity, know that they are not alone. It is important to help those who may feel lost, and let them know that they matter and have an inherent right to be who they are.
The support that you will receive at Cempa is that of understanding, patience with allies who genuinely want to help people be the best that they can be.
~ Travis Smith, Medical Case Manager

Today is important to me, because someone, somewhere needs to know that they can step into their truth, and will be accepted and loved for who they are.
Cempa is a safe place for ALL people. You will receive the best care possible in an environment that embraces who you are without judgment or discrimination.
~ Miles Huff, Advocacy & Development Administrator